
Rumeli Journal of Education Studies began publication in 2021 in the field of education. It is a publication of academic, scientific and research-based articles. The publication languages of the journal are Turkish and English.

Rumeli Journal of Education Studies publishes four online and print issues per year; 11st of June and 11st of December. The deadline for submitting a manuscript for numbers is one month before. For special issues, deadlines will be announced.

Only works that have never been published elsewhere can be published in the journal. In the event that an article which has been previously published elsewhere is published in the journal without being mentioned, the author(s) will be solely responsible for legal consequences and copyright issues.

Submissions to the journal must not be published elsewhere previously. Papers presented in national or international symposium can be published with a footnote indicating this.  The author is solely responsible for providing references.  If the work is supported by an institution or a fund, name of the institution and project information should be mentioned as a footnote.

For each article, a plagiarism report by the author should be uploaded to the "Attached Files" section. Files to be added multiple times must be compressed and loaded.

Submissions are reviewed by at least two referees after approval by the Editorial Board. If necessary, the editorial board may want the work to be reviewed by more than two referees. Final decision is made by the Editorial Board, considering the opinions of the majority of the referees. The journal reserves all rights to edit, publish or not publish the works.

The Editorial Board can ask for some editing from the author(s), considering the suggestions of the referees. The author(s) should make the necessary changes asked by the board and the referees until the abovementioned deadlines. Author(s) can appeal against the rejection of referees, provided that they put forward relevant evidence in support of their appeal.  The appeal will then be assessed by the Editorial Board and the work will be sent to the review of different referees if necessary. Author(s) should take into account the opinions and suggestions of the referees and the board in order to publish their works.

The copyrights of the published works belong to Rumeli Journal of Education Studies. All references to the works must cite the original publication. Authors are not eligible for copyright payments. If a submission is not printed, the copyright of the work will be considered returned to the author.

If the referees cannot assess the work until the deadlines determined by the Editorial Board, the board may send the work to different referees. Authors and referees will remain mutually incognito until the end of the assessment. Submissions must be written with correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. Submissions in Turkish must follow the rules in the latest Turkish Linguistic Society (TDK) guidebook. Authors will be solely responsible for issues arising out of grammar, spelling and punctuation errors. Authors will be solely responsible for the legal consequences of the content of their submissions.

After the content of the studies published in the journal, the legal responsibilities belong to the author (s) completely. This journal editor and writer has adopted the code of ethics COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics): see.

Researches requiring Ethics Committee permission: 1. Any research carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques, 2. Use of humans and animals (including material / data) for experimental or other scientific purposes, 3. Clinical researches on humans, 4. Researches on animals.

Issues requiring declaration: 1. Retrospective studies in accordance with the law of personal data protection, 2. “Informed consent form” in case reports, 3. Permission from the owners for the use of scale, questionnaire, photographs of others, 4. Copyright for ideas and works of art used.

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