Responsibilities of Authors

Rumeli Journal of Education Studies conducts a double-blind peer-review process for candidate articles. All candidate articles applying to our journal must be original and must not have been published in any journal before. In addition, the candidate article should not be in the evaluation process in another journal, and after the evaluation process of the candidate article sent to our journal begins, it should not be sent to another journal until the evaluation process is concluded. If such applications are made, the articles of the author(s) will not be evaluated in any way.
When submitting articles to our journal, authors must follow the article submission processes meticulously. In this context, the files mentioned below must be uploaded during the article submission process.

1- Full text file (The full text file should be filled in accordance with the journal template and no information about the article authors should be included in the main text file.)

2- Plagiarism report

3- Ethics committee certificate (This document is mandatory for studies that require Ethics committee permission.)

4- Copyright transfer agreement

When submitting an article to our journal, the above documents must be attached and the article must be submitted. The responsibility in this regard belongs to the authors. If the requested documents are not uploaded, the article is returned to the author.

Candidate articles sent to the journal are checked by the journal secretariat for compliance with the journal rules in the files mentioned above, and then directed to the relevant editors for the evaluation process. Candidate articles that are determined to be suitable for the purpose and scope of the journal are directed to the field editors. Taking into account the nature of the study, field editors appoint two expert referees for the candidate article in accordance with the blind referee system. The evaluation process is outlined in the chart below.

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